Age Requirement
Horizon RP is an (18+) server. You must be 18 years of age or older to play. There is absolutely no exception to this rule.
No exceptions or accommodations shall be made for individuals who do not wish to adhere to our server rules. Server administrators shall maintain uniform expectations and shall hold those who fail to meet them accountable. Ignorance of any clearly written and published rule is not an excuse, and all violations will be treated as if they are intentional. Server administrators and server ownership reserve the right to take corrective action toward actions/behaviour(s) which they deem to be disruptive, unacceptable, or clearly detract from the fellow players’ experience, even if the actions/behaviour (s) do not directly violate a rule or policy listed on this page.
General Rules
This is a serious RP server.
The rules set below are strictly to provide consistent quality roleplay. If you do not provide serious RP, you will be looked at for whitelist removal-
1) We are a North American server. It is required to speak and understand English. Speaking any other language in discord or in the city will result in disciplinary actions.
2) You must have a working microphone with no background noise. Voice changers are acceptable, but they must be understandable and not overly loud, too quiet, or extremely high or low pitched.
3) Be respectful to other players and do not be toxic. The use of ANY racial, homophobic, or derogatory slurs is prohibited. NO warning will be issued for breaking the rule.
4) The use of glitches, exploits, or hacks is prohibited.
5) If you find a glitch or exploit, please notify the admin team through a bug report on Discord. Failure to notify the staff team will be considered power gaming and will result in a permanent ban.
6) Horizon RP is a serious RP server. If you have never participated in a serious RP server, please reach out to staff with any questions you may have. It is REQUIRED for all players to read and understand the rules. If you don’t understand a rule, please ask a staff member. All ban appeals stating “I didn’t know that was a rule” will not be considered for reinstatement.
7) Suicide RP is prohibited.
8) Rule of 6 – You are only allowed to have 6 players when engaging in any criminal activities.
9) DO NOT sit in character selection to save your spot in city. Pick your character and start RP. You will be banned if found doing this.
1) Do not use any out-of-character information to benefit your character. This includes gang discords and messages. THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN. This will result in a permanent ban and removal of your whitelist.
2) The use of a second character to gain and transfer any information is considered character bleeding. Example: You have one character who owns a business and gathers information but does not commit crime. You have a second character who is the sister/brother of the first character who sells the information gathered by the first character. This is considered LOW QUALITY RP and WILL NOT be tolerated.
3) Using a third-party communication program like discord is strictly prohibited while IN GAME. You must mute and deafen when you are in the city if you are in a gang/business/friend’s discord. Utilize in-game communication methods such as radios, phone calls, and text messages. YOU WILL be permanently banned if found doing this with no warnings.
4) Staff is not responsible for monitoring behaviour in your streams. This is on the streamer to control their viewers.
5) It is also strictly prohibited to watch another player's twitch stream while you are currently in the city. Breaking this rule will result in a permanent ban with NO appeal.
Roleplay Guidelines
1) Always engage in the roleplay that is taking place around you. Players who ignore other players are committing FailRP.
2) Do not attempt to change how someone roleplays their character by forcing your roleplay styles on them.
3) Immediately resorting to gun fights for RP scenes is considered LQRP. RP should not turn to gunfights for every interaction.
4) Do not kidnap, rob, assault, or harass EMS while on duty. EMS is considered on duty while working at pillbox or responding to a scene in proper EMS uniform. EMS is prohibited from wearing an EMS uniform while off duty.
5) Do not kidnap, rob, or assault mechanics when they are on duty. Mechanics are considered on duty when working inside the shop or operating/towing vehicles. Mechanics are required to change uniforms when off duty.
6) Do not use plain speech when downed unless EMS inquiries about your injuries. Instead, act as if your character has heavy wounds through your character's personality and mannerisms.
7) If your character revives by any method other than a medical staff member or admin, you may not remember who or what killed you or any events that led up to your character's death.
8) Unless you are revived by medical staff, you may not remember anything from the scene in which you were downed, and 1 hour leading up to the scene. Returning to the scene prior to 30 minutes will be considered FailRP and may result in disciplinary actions.
9) Do not seek revenge unless it is shared with you by another character through roleplay.
10) Random robbing is not allowed. You must have a valid RP reason to rob another player.
11) Medical staff and police are not allowed to participate in criminal for any reason. If medical staff or police are caught participating in crime, they will be fired and disciplined THROUGH RP.
12) If you are downed and request EMS assistance you are REQUIRED to wait for EMS to arrive. If you do not wait for EMS after requesting for help, it will be considered FailRP and will result in disciplinary actions.
13) EMS are prohibited from reviving players on scene. EMS must stabilize the victim and transport them to Pillbox. It is REQUIRED to RP your injuries with EMS. You are PROHIBITED to check in at the desk at pillbox unless NO EMS are available. We all must RESPECT the work of EMS as they are here to RP as well.
14) Do not perform rape, mutilation, dismemberment, cannibalism, or other highly graphic activities. ERP is allowed but must be conducted in private. DO NOT FORCE ERP ON ANYONE. If you do, that will be considered FailRP and you will be permanently banned with no appeal.
15) Torture RP is allowed, however both parties involved must agree to it.
16) No criminal activity is to be initiated in the period 30 mins before, and 30 minutes after Tsunami. It is your personal responsibility to educate yourself on our restart times, and to be aware of and follow the in-city visual and audio announcements. Do NOT start criminal interaction with another group in that time (going to their territory and promoting fights, etc). Criminal activity is anything considered illegal and punishable in city by law enforcement (heists, robberies, stealing, anything drug or illegal substance related, etc). The absolute ONLY exception is the stealing of local vehicles exclusively for transportation.
17) Interaction must be given to initiate any type of criminal RP with another person or group. This interaction must be clear to the other person. (Initiation in the form of Verbal or Nonverbal means) Some nonverbal initiation are *Aggressive Presence, following with intent, and Show of Force*.
18) It is prohibited to ignore someone's interaction with you to stall RP.
19) Using "Friends" as hostages will now be considered LQRP and a rule break which is a bannable offense. I.E gang members, co-workers ETC.
20) When playing as a PD character, you must remain on that character for 2 hours before you are allowed to swap to a criminal character.
Out-Of-Character and Safe Zones
1) All OOC talk is always prohibited in game. OOC talk will be considered LQRP and will result in a warning/ban.
2) All locations associated with city events are considered safe zones during the entirety of the event. Pillbox medical center is the only permanent safe zones.
3) You may not wield weapons, and you may not commit a crime of any kind inside a safe zone.
4) It is considered low quality RP to take a hostage when someone is in the clothing menu actively changing clothes any other menu is fair game.
5) Gaining information on a character in RP, then using that information on another character in RP is considered "Character Bleeding" and will result in disciplinary action.
Respect and Value of Life
KOS (kill on sight) is strictly prohibited. The only exception to this rule, is if you are in a gang war with another gang, Or both parties have made a mutual introduction and understand why combat is occurring.
Do not RDM (random death match) or VDM (vehicle deathmatch). You must have a logical reason for killing someone.
1) You must value your character's life and the lives of other characters at all times. For example, if you have a gun pointed at you, put your hands up.
2) Do not harass or disrespect other members or management. Instead, show respect to other players and keep the real-life drama out of roleplay. Do not use derogatory remarks regarding race, national origin, gender, religion, disabilities, or sexual preference. Do not base a character's role play around being heavily toxic, aggressive, or discriminatory.
3) Stand your ground rule applies to all owned houses and businesses. You are allowed to use deadly force but must RP first. Do not just shoot someone on the first interaction unless warranted. The rule of 6 applies to all criminal activity at businesses and owned houses. The owner of the business or house has NO limit on the number of players defending the property.
1) Do not force another player to empty their bank account, stashes, trunks, or any other personal storage container.
2) Do not have more than six (6) players when engaging in criminal activity (Rule of 6). Group size limits ensure interactions remain fair and balanced. This means that if you get in a fight with more than 6 people on your side, only 6 can interact in that firefight unless it's your gang compound. Swapping players out during a fight is prohibited. Robbing players as they leave safe zones is considered power gaming and LQRP which will result in a ban.
3) Entering safe zones to avoid interacting or while a scene is taking place is considered power gaming and will result in a ban.
4) Chain robbing stores, banks, ATM’s or any other property or “heist” is considered power gaming and will result in a ban. You must wait 30 minutes in between heists. This only includes safes in stores and does NOT include registers.
5) The use of motorcycles or off-road vehicles as the initial form of escape from a robbery will be considered power gaming. If you set up a plan that includes the listed vehicles as “switch or change” vehicles it is permitted. You can only use 1 vehicle at start of heist.
6) The use of emotes to gain advantage over ANY situation is prohibited. Examples include using emotes during gunfights and using emotes to “glitch” through walls or certain locations.
7) Combat logging or “tactical flights’ are strictly prohibited. If you choose to take this route, you will receive a permanent ban. This is the lowest form of RP, and you are not welcome here. However, if it is an emergency or your game crashes, let the other players know in Discord and log back in as soon as possible to finish the roleplay scenario.
8) Spam jumping is a bannable offense - No excuses
1) The use of any graphics packs are restricted to the following:
- QuantV
- Reduxx
- ReShade
2) Crosshairs of any sort are not permitted in Horizon. (Including built in crosshairs on the FiveM platform)
1) Sound packs are strictly forbidden to be use in city.
Character Customization
1) Players must be realistic during creation.
2) Roleplaying as anything other than a human being is considered LQRP and is against the rules. Costumes are acceptable for events and scenes, but are not to be treated as your actual form.
3) Nude models or portions of models are prohibited except at the Vanilla Unicorn and in the privacy of your home/business.
4) No part of your body is to be invisible or glitched.
5) Character names must be realistic and original. Do not use;
a. Names that reference known people, characters, brands, places, or icons
b. Names that reference slang terms, offensive language, or are just unoriginal.
c. Names that consist of multiple words (4 or more names/words)
6) Playing as a vigilante is prohibited unless approved by staff in the form of a ticket.
7) You are only allowed 3 characters. You are not allowed to play the same type of character on multiple characters (I.E Police Department, Medical Services, Civilian, Criminal)
8) EMS and PD characters are NOT allowed to transition to civilian or criminal roles after retirement. They are only permitted to join EMS, PD, or DOJ roles.
Disciplinary Actions
1) Any violation of the rules above can result in a ban and deletion of your account data. However, our administrative team has complete discretion over the enforcement of these rules. Therefore, disciplinary actions will vary from case to case. In addition, the details of these actions can significantly depend on the severity of the infraction or an individual's preceding record.
2) You can appeal bans through our discord. If you are permanently banned, you must wait 7 days before appealing. If you attempt to appeal before the 7 days, your appeal will not be heard. If you are banned from the appeals Discord, the admin team has deemed your ban permanent, and you may not join the city again.
Admin Assistance
1) In instances of evident bugs/glitches or a violation of rules, administrators will attempt to reimburse players for losses. Individuals lacking sufficient evidence to substantiate claims of bugs, griefing, losses etc. may be denied compensation for losses.
2) As a rule of thumb, we encourage players to avoid potentially risky behaviour. Intentionally trying to perform a risky maneuver or trying to squeeze a trailer under an area with insufficient height will be considered user error and you will not be reimbursed.
3) Administrators will not repair your vehicles, teleport you to places, give you items/money, etc. upon request. Players are expected to earn their belongings, and this applies to administrators as well. Administrative activity is logged and monitored by the developers.
Gang Rules
1) Forcing players to change the colors of their vehicle, clothing or hair is strictly prohibited UNLESS the player is on your “block.” You may only use colors to identify your organization or gang.
2) Gang limit is set to 35 members max for all groups.
3) Gang wars may only start over real roleplay reasons and not the interaction between one individual or based on a player's comment.
4) Gangs should not be overly friendly, soft, or otherwise non-combatant in the event of a conflict or financial reason.
5) Gang members may not attack or aggress towards players who are not associated with a registered gang or considered solo, unless attacked or provoked by the non-gang player. Gang members may still take non-gang members hostage.
6) Taxing civilian jobs that have zero influence on your gang or located outside of your territory is strictly prohibited. Example: Grove street gang taxing warehouse job located at the shipping doc = LQRP
7) Gangs/MCs/Organizations should not mass recruit. There should be RP behind bringing people into your Gang/MC/Organization.
8) Do not have more than six (6) players when engaging in criminal activity (Rule of 6). Group size limits ensure interactions remain fair and balanced. This means that if you get in a fight with more than 6 people on your side, only 6 can interact in that firefight unless it's your gang compound. Swapping players out during a fight is prohibited. Robbing players as they leave safe zones is considered power gaming and LQRP which will result in a ban.
9) Any criminal organization or gangs in the city must have an organic lore driven name, or a name created by the leaders of the group that DOES NOT have any relevance or affiliation with a "In Real Life" gang.
10) if you remove someone from your group, they cannot be brought back to your group/roster for 30 days.
11) After leaving a group/gang you must wait 30 days before joining another gang. This means the 30 days starts when you leave the gang. This only applies after the second time you leave a group/gang.
Ex: You are in group 1 for a few weeks and realize the group isn't for you. (No mandated wait time). So you leave and find another group, but also realize this group isn’t for you either, you must now wait 30 days